What is “ECV”, Extreme Customer Verification?

We offer Extreme Customer Verification. This is a unique customer verification system.

This verification system is very similar to what banks and credit card companies use for their online credit verification process.

This recommended feature will help to verify your client’s identity, helping to eliminate phony names and false information.

Extreme Waiver incorporates a special computer algorithm that will give you a customer verification percentage rating of the accuracy of the submitted customer data. therefore allowing your business to choose if that client will be approved for entry to your facility or if more data will be requested before approval or entry. Extreme Waiver will allow your business to choose what data you will collect and what percentage verifications will be accepted for entry. Eg; You may choose to require a driver’s license or photo ID, the last 4 of the customer’s

Social Security Number or a special security answer supplied by your customer.

Questionable clients will be flagged at check-in with more data requested. Every customer account will have custom notes available at customer check-in.

This collected data will be securely stored online on or before your customer’s first visit. You may create customer ID’s for easy customer check-in. You and your company are now confident that the secure data collected is more accurate and valid. The more information that is confirmed, the safer your companies liability risk. Remember, “WE ARE HERE TO HELP PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS!”

We're here to help.
